Archives For wildlife

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It’s all happening…

Here I sit, cruising at 37,000 feet, somewhere in between Minneapolis and Los Angeles, on my way to AUSTRALIA! In some ways, I still can’t believe it, but now, it’s starting to actually FEEL real- it’s finally settling in. Now I can actually begin to BELIEVE that this whirlwind dream I’ve been living for the past several weeks is not some fairytale, but reality. Let’s review:

Picked from over six-hundred THOUSAND people, from 196 different countries, to be one of 3 Finalists still vying for THE Best job in the WORLD, and now I’m headed to Sydney for what promises to be the trip of a LIFETIME?!? IN-SANE! I’m fidgeting in my seat, I’ve got a smile a mile wide, I’m telling anyone and EVERYONE that I’m on my way DownUnder… Yes, I’ve gotten a few strange looks, and I’m sure they all think I’m nuts, but heck, I don’t care! I’m headed back to AUSTRALIA, people!

If you missed my last post about Australia, check it out here. It will give you a little background as to why I am so excited to be heading back DownUnder. Not that you should need any though- it’s AUSTRALIA, for crying out loud! The Land DownUnder! The Opera House and The Outback; the land of koalas and kangaroos; the home of surf, sun, and sand- and SO MUCH more… What’s NOT to be excited about?!?


Kickin' it in the VIP Lounge at the Virgin Australia LOFT in LAX... SWEET AS!

Kickin’ it in the VIP Lounge at the Virgin Australia LOFT in LAX… SWEET AS!


This trip will be unlike any other I’ve been on before. Not only does The Best Job in the WORLD hang in the balance- along with an amazing opportunity to pursue my dreams and passions- but Tourism Australia and the South Australian Tourism Commission have gone ABOVE and BEYOND to plan an incredible itinerary for us while we’re in AUS. Now, you all know that I’m used to going ‘Backpacker Style’- hostels and guesthouses, street food and communal kitchens, rickshaws, tuk-tuks, and broken-down busses. Nope. Note here. Top-notch, first-rate, and high-class- that’s how THEY roll… It’ll be rough, but I think I’ll manage… 🙂

Here’s just a taste of what’s on tap for us in Australia:

Roundtrip to Sydney with Virgin Australia

Photo shoots and media calls with all 18 Finalists at exciting locations throughout Sydney.

Pub Tours and swanky dinners at some of the hottest spots in the city

A cruise through Sydney Harbour and a tour of the world-class Toronga Zoo

A scrimmage against the Sydney Swans Australian-Rules Football team

A guided tour of Cleland Wildlife Park in South Australia

Swimming with sea-lions at Port Lincoln

Helicopter rides and guided tours through the pristine wilderness of Kangaroo Island

Leading tours of Seal Bay on Kangaroo Island

Tracking cute and cuddly (?) echidnas in the wild

All that, and much, MUCH more…


It's good to be 'HOME'...


Now you see why I can’t wipe the smile off my face, why I cannot HELP but tell every ticket agent, food vendor, flight attendant, restroom janitor, and EVERY person sitting around me on the plane all about this crazy adventure? I’m sorry- there’s just nothing I can do about it. The excitement is OVERFLOWING, and to tell you the truth, it’s pretty contagious… I almost had a family bound for Hawaii convinced to alter their travel plans to come to Australia with me! HA! One thing is certain- it’s THEM who’ll be missing out…

This trip is going to be AMAZING, and I’m ready to throw my arms open, embrace the moment, enjoy the ride, and soak up every SECOND… Bring it ON, Australia!!!!!

Stay tuned- things are about to get CRAZY….


Twitter: @n_tilley

Tourism Australia Web Portal (Should go LIVE this week):



To learn how YOU can experience the thrills of traveling in Australia, click HERE.



May 25, 2013 — 4 Comments


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Australa, Sydney, New, South, Wales, opera, house, tourism, best, job,


It’s funny how life works out sometimes…

When you’re a kid, it seems everyone wants to know- ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’

As a 2nd grader, typical responses include things like ‘I wanna be a doctor’, or ‘I’m gonna be a baseball player!’ You might even get the adventurous ‘I’m going to be an astronaut and fly to the MOON!’ Young minds, full of dreams and a boundless future.

For me, my response to this question may have appeared curious to some:

‘I want to go to Australia, and live with the kangaroos.’

Different, to say the least- definitely not what one would expect of an 8 year-old in the Midwestern United States- but it’s true. I’m not completely sure where the idea came from, but that’s what I wrote on an elementary school survey- an old, wrinkled piece of paper my sentimental mother somehow dug up when I was heading off to Australia for the very first time- for a semester of university in Sydney at the age of 20. At the time, we smiled and laughed, waxing nostalgic about a young boy’s dream about to be realized, 12 years in the making.

So I went to Australia, and my life has never been the same. Sure, I studied, but that’s not what I remember most about the experience. I remember the kangaroos and koalas, the wallabies and the wombats. I remember getting certified to scuba dive in the bays of Sydney. I remember traveling the Queensland Coast, diving the Great Barrier Reef, and venturing deep into the Outback. I remember cheering on the United States at the Sydney Summer Olympics, and somehow finding myself joining in with the exuberant Aussies whenever they weren’t competing against the US. ‘Aussie-Aussie-Aussie! Oi-Oi-Oi!’ I remember sitting on Bondi Beach, a few days before my return home, watching the surfers and feeling the sun on my face, trying to soak up EVERY LAST DETAIL. I guess it worked, because I remember it all like it was yesterday…

6 months flew by in the blink of an eye, and before I knew it, my semester DownUnder was over. I was back in Chicago, hurdling snow drifts along the cold and windy shores of Lake Michigan- a stark contrast to the sun and the sand of Sydney. Then and there, I vowed to make it back to Australia someday- to do a proper ‘Summer DownUnder’, to go back and explore the rest of that amazing country of which I had only barely gotten a taste. A seed had been planted, a new dream began to take root.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Australa, cape, grande, national, park, tourism, best, job,

Cape Le Grand National Park, Western Australia


Fast-forward 8 years, and I found myself about to realize that dream as well. Giving in to the desire to travel and explore the world, I bought a one-way ticket to New Zealand in 2007, and as fate would have it, found myself meeting up with two travel mates in Sydney in October of 2008, Working Holiday visa in hand. I had an entire YEAR in Australia, and I was going to take advantage of EVERY precious second contained in those 365 days…

And I did. I spent 6 months working in Sydney, living by the beach, learning to surf, and hanging out with some of the best people I have ever met, followed by 6 months of literally traveling around the ENTIRE country- I even made it to Tasmania for 2 weeks! ‘The Summer DownUnder’ turned into an EPIC year in Australia- one full of mind-blowing adventures, countless memories, lifelong friendships, a MASSIVE road trip up the West Coast, and me finding a home on the other side of the world- that is what ‘Australia’ came to represent in my life. But once again, those 12 months flew by all too fast, and before I knew it, my visa was up, and I had to move on…


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Australa, Neptune Islands, South, sea, lion, tourism, best, job,

Sea lion colony on the Neptune Islands, South Australia


Since then, I’ve often found myself dreaming (Read: SCHEMING) up different ways to get back DownUnder- apply to Graduate School, seek out international employment, go back on a ‘Tourist Visa’ and just get lost in the Outback- but none of those ever really felt like the right path… In the meantime, I began to pursue my professional dreams- beginning my ‘career’ as a travel advocate and adviser, launching BackpackU, and continuing my travels around the globe. Still, in my heart, I’ve always known that I want to go back to Australia. The question was ‘How?’

Enter Tourism Australia and ‘The Best Jobs in the World’ competition. What started with an afternoon of family fun making the application videos has ended up being one of the CRAZIEST rides I have EVER been on- to imagine that it would ever come to my making the FINALS- that is just ridiculous…

But now, here I am. I AM headed back to Australia, headed back to that incredible place that has become my ‘home away from home’- this time, to compete for my DREAM JOB- a job that will allow me to share my love for Australia and its natural wildlife with the rest of the WORLD. Seriously? Is this real?? They want me to come to Australia, talk about how amazing the country is, and highlight the unique wildlife DownUnder? That’s the job?

Ummmm… Ok…(?)

I was MADE FOR THIS. I LOVE Australia. I love the people and the places, the air and the animals. I love the ruggedness and the rowdiness, the style and the sense of unity. There really is NOTHING like Australia- it’s unique to any other place in the world.

This will be my 5th trip DownUnder, and I can honestly say that the excitement about this trip surpasses all the others. Well, maybe ‘surpasses’ isn’t the right word, because I ALWAYS get excited when I’m headed to Australia… It’s just a different kind of excitement. I’ve been working toward this moment for 6 years- countless late nights developing content for BackpackU; hours spent scouring user forums and online codices, teaching myself the ins and outs of website design; innumerable phone calls, emails, and texts to people that know a lot more than I do- and now, through all of that, I find myself on the cusp of something HUGE… It feels like that moment on a roller-coaster, when you’ve clickity-clacked your way to the top of the first drop, and then everything goes quiet. Your stomach tightens, your pulse races, you suck in your breath, and all you can do is hold on and wait for the ride to begin. It’s a moment packed with emotion- excitement, elation, achievement, promise, gratitude, joy, and above all- hope. That is what this moment feels like.

And now, I’m ready to throw my hands in the air, embrace the moment, and enjoy the ride. This experience is going to be nothing short of AMAZING, and I cannot WAIT to see what happens next…

Again- I was MADE FOR THIS.

It’s crazy- one day, I’m just an 8 year-old boy, scratching out an innocent answer on a 2nd grade survey, and the next, I’m a 33 year-old man, overjoyed at the opportunity to continue to pursue his dreams. Through it all, not much has changed…

‘I want to go to Australia, and live with the kangaroos…’

It’s funny how life works out sometimes…


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Australa, Victoria, Great, Ocean, Road, twelve, 12, apostles, sunset, best, job, tourism wildlife, caretaker

Sunset at the Twelve Apostles- Port Campbell National Park


To learn more about how YOU TOO can fall in love with Australia, click HERE.



May 16, 2013 — 1 Comment
travel, backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, expert, professor, field, notes, tourism, australia, best, job, world, wildlife, caretaker

The 18 Finalists for The Best Jobs in the WORLD


CRIKEY!!!! I’ve made it to the FINAL ROUND of Tourism Australia’s ‘Best Jobs in the World’ competition!!!

It has been a CRAZY 3 weeks since the Shortlist was announced- non-stop campaigns, long nights editing videos, raising HEAPS of money for the Australian Koala Foundation… what an experience!

The next round of the competition will be held IN Australia, so I’ll be headed back DownUnder in the next few weeks… Obviously, I am EXTREMELY excited, and can’t WAIT to get back to my ‘Home away from home.’

A MASSIVE ‘THANK YOU’ to EVERYONE that has backed my campaign  in one way or another- NONE of this would’ve been possible without your help and support. You ALL are LEGENDS!!!

Ok, I’ve got to get moving- Yoda’s already got his bags packed, and keeps asking when we’re leaving for the airport…


Thanks again, EVERYONE! I cannot WAIT to see what happens next…


Stay tuned!




April 30, 2013 — Leave a comment

travel, backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, expert, professor, field, notes, tourism, australia, wildlife, caretaker, best, job, world


Ok people, it’s time to rally the support and send The Backpack Professor DOWN-UNDER!!!

Here’s the scoop:


A Call to Action- we need ALL HANDS ON DECK!

Nick Tilley, The Backpack Professor, has been selected out of 600,000 applicants as one of 25 finalists for the ‘Wildlife Caretaker’ position in Tourism Australia’s ‘Best Jobs in the World’ competition. For the next phase of the competition, he has planned a HUGE event this Thursday here in Chesterfield, along with a MASSIVE on-line campaign to raise support for both his cause, as well as for the Australian Koala Foundation. Here is a link to the Facebook page:

Here’s all the information you need for the event, and more importantly, how to cast your vote for Nick Tilley as the best man for The Best Job in the World:
EVENT:  ‘Send the Thunder Down-Under’
               Thurs, May 2, 2013
               International Tap House- Chesterfield (161 Long Rd.)
There will be drink specials, games, raffle prizes, good music, great beer, and one lucky winner could win a round-trip ticket to Australia. Food will include the Australian staple of “shrimp on the barbie”, with donations benefiting the AKF, as well as other delicious food supplied by PM BBQ. There is no fee to attend the event.          

For those of you who can, come out to iTap on Thursday. It is going to be a lot of fun.

More importantly, here is how YOU can cast your vote for Nick: make a donation to the Australian Koala Foundation, and type ‘NICK TILLEY’ in the ‘Further Instructions’ field at the bottom of the form. $1, $5, $10- it doesn’t matter- just VOTE. Here’s the link:
Vote for Nick, save a koala. Too easy, mate!
ALL donations ARE tax deductible, and need to be made by 8pm Sunday, May 5th.

Also, please do us a huge favor- SHARE this- on Facebook, on ‘The Twitter’, through your email networks- send this on to friends, family, coworkers, etc., and ask them to do the same, and then forward it on to their friends. Let’s take this thing VIRAL- it will make an enormous difference in Nick’s campaign to be selected for this amazing opportunity.
Finally, Nick is looking for high-profile support for his campaign, both in the ‘Wildlife’ realm, as well as in main-stream media and entertainment. If you have ANY connections that could possibly help get Nick support from anyone that fits this criteria, please, please, PLEASE get them in touch with Nick- Twitter: @n_tilley; Facebook: ‘Nick Tilley’ and/or ‘Nick Tilley for Wildlife Caretaker’.



April 24, 2013 — 5 Comments

travel, backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, expert, professor, field, notes,


So, by now, hopefully you’ve seen the shenanigans that were my submissions for the Best Jobs in the World- if not, check them out here.

Well, apparently the panel loved Yoda, because they put me on the shortlist for the Wildlife Caretaker position!

Yes, you read that right- out of over 600,000 applications submitted, mine was one of only 150 selected for the shortlists- 25 applicants for each of the 6 jobs available.

Wait a second… Let’s read that again- together.


I still can’t believe it…

Excited, elated, exhausted- I hardly slept at all last night… I don’t even know how to describe how I feel. Just honored and really happy to have the opportunity to pursue this- it’s gonna be awesome…

There are 24 other applicants that have been named to the shortlist for Wildlife Caretaker- you can view all of the videos here.

We’re still getting the details on the next steps of the selection process- I’ll definitely be passing those along as I learn more.


In the meantime, I’ll be scheming with Yoda and assembling the rest of the Wildlife Braintrust to discuss how to tackle the next stages- getting on the shortlist is a HUGE step, but there’s still a lot of work to be done before I’m back DownUnder…


I guess I had better start brushing up on my SEAL…


travel, backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, expert, professor, field, notes,

Gettin’ some FaceTime in with the seal pups…


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, camp, makoro,


While traveling in Botswana, I took a 3-day/2-night trip out into the Okavango Delta. A literal oasis in the middle of the sprawling Kalahari Desert, the waterways and islands of the Delta are home to some of the most breath-taking and awe-inspiring scenery in all of Africa- both in landscapes as well as wildlife viewing opportunities. Having seen numerous documentaries showcasing the Delta, I knew from the very beginning of planning my trip that this was one part of Africa I was not missing out on, no matter what, so when the time came to sign up for the trip, my name was at the top of the list.

Shortly after we pulled into the dusty town of Maun, we gathered around for a meeting that would outline the next 3 days in the Delta. Our ‘Delta Guide’ gave us the run-down of the trip- a long makoro (Traditional dugout canoe) ride out into the Delta, bush camping for 2 nights, game walks and other makoro cruises during the days, a visit to a swimming hole or two, and the amazing experience of camping out under the stars in the Okavango Delta. Needless to say, by the end of the meeting, we were ready to head out right away. We packed our smaller day-packs and food for the trip, and then tried to find ways to while away the time until our departure the next morning.

We were up early the next morning to board the trucks for the transfer from the campsite to the Delta’s edge. It was a cool morning, and the trucks were open-air, so we had long-sleeves and wind-breakers on to keep us warm until the sun rose a bit higher. It was an hour’s drive through rural farmland from Maun out to the Delta put-in, and we noticed the terrain continually getting greener and greener the closer we got to our destination. Finally, we pulled to a stop on the side of what seemed to be a large lagoon.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, camp, makoro,


We all hopped off the truck and unloaded our gear while trying to stay out of the way of the many locals that were bustling around getting things prepared for the trip- I was amazed at how many people were involved. There were several makoros lined up along the water’s edge, and all of the locals were busy loading them with water and food, firewood and cooking equipment. We were told where to place our belongings, and shortly those were loaded into the makoros as well. We were introduced to the local guides that would be navigating us through the innumerable waterways of the delta and out to our camp sites. Finally, we gingerly settled into our makoros- 2 per boat, plus a guide- bags, sun cream, snack sacks, and water positioned around us as comfortably as possible. We had been told that it was going to be about a 3 hour trip out into the delta, and that we weren’t going to be able to move around very much in the narrow and seemingly all-too-unstable canoes. Sun hat on and SPF 50 applied, we pushed off, and our adventure was underway.

The Okavango Delta is an amazing place- cool clear waters flowing through tall grasses, islands spotted with palm and acacia trees, and abundant wildlife throughout. It is the world’s largest inland delta, the result of the seasonal flooding of the Okavango River system emptying itself into the basin of the Kalahari Desert. Because of the surrounding desert, the delta is an oasis for local plant and animal life, and is one of the most unique ecosystems in the world. Prides of lions patrol the islands, in search of herds of zebra, wildebeest, and water buffalo. Giraffe and elephants keep watch for predators like leopards and cheetahs, while shy rhinos and the ever-elusive wild dogs keep a low profile. Nile crocodiles and hippopotamus make their homes in the waterways, while fish eagles and cranes soar overhead in search of food. The water supply supports an incredible amount of life, and the residents of the delta have it pretty easy compared to their relatives in other, drier parts of the African wilderness.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, camp, makoro,


Our trip into the Delta was great- once we got the delicate balance of riding in the unstable makoro down. As our guide poled us along, I was surprised to see that most of the delta is no more than shoulder deep- the water was so clear, we could see the bottom of the narrow canals we were passing through, and our guide had no problem using the long pole to keep up slowly moving along. It started to get hot, and with no shade to be had, I felt like any exposed skin was getting roasted, regardless of how much sun cream I lathered on them. I noticed the locals simply dipping their cups into the water as we glided along, pouring some waster on their head and then drinking the rest, straight from the delta. Apparently, the water was safe to drink- for the locals, at least- but I decided it was still a good idea to drink bottled water. Better safe than sorry.

We continued along in this way for a long time- slowly gliding along through narrow pathways in a seemingly unending prairie of marsh grass. The gentle splash of our guide’s pole in the water, the rhythmic speeding up and slowing down of the makoro, the gentle breeze blowing across the open boat- I dozed off for awhile, despite my back and legs slowly growing numb from being in the same position for so long. Finally, our guide settled the nose of our makoro into the mud at the side of a small island, and we had arrived at our campsite. I slowly stood up, gingerly straightening out and stepping out of the front of the canoe and onto dry land. After a quick stretch, we unloaded all the gear- tents, sleeping bags and mats, pots and pans, containers full of food and utensils, several bottles of water, firewood, and last but not least- a shovel to dig our ‘bush toilet’- all that packed into in our three little makoros. It was amazing.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, camp, makoro,



First, we set to the task of pitching our tents and organizing our campsite. We all noticed  the piles of dried elephant droppings all around the place, and the guides were quick to tell us that it wasn’t uncommon for elephants to visit campsites at night in search of food that had been left out. We all made a mental note to make sure EVERYTHING was put away in the kitchen tent before we went to bed at night. I mean, I love elephants and everything, but I don’t really want them stomping around my tent in the middle of the night- it had happened before, and I found it to be just a bit disconcerting…  After we got our tents set up, the fire pit dug, and the ‘toilet’ sorted, it was time to set out on our first game walk in the delta.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, camp, makoro,


Now, I had been on game walks before, and called myself crazy afterwards for putting myself in such a precarious position. A ‘game walk’ is exactly what it sounds like- a walk through the wild in search of game. Who knows what you may encounter? In Nepal, it had been stealthy tigers and grazing rhinos. In the Okavango Delta, there were any number of dangerous animals we could come across- prowling lions, leopards and cheetahs; hyenas and crocodiles lying in wait; herds of edgy water buffalo and overprotective hippos scattered about. Throw in a few thousand elephants and some wary rhinos, and the potential dangers were everywhere. So, knowing all of this was out there waiting, and we wanted to just walk right into it, on foot, with no protection- no vehicle, no guns, nothing at all with which to stop a charging lioness or an upset buffalo.  Smart? Probably not… But, that’s just part of it- all part of the experience, so to speak…


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, camp, makoro,


Anyway, our bush walks turned out to be pretty uneventful- we didn’t encounter anything dangerous, and the only wildlife we saw was a herd of zebra, and even then at a pretty good distance away. We did come across several skeletons- giraffe, hippo, buffalo, etc.- but that was the only evidence we saw of any predators possibly having been in the area. Still, it was amazing to be out and walking around the islands of the delta- it was beautiful. Stands of trees rising tall over golden grasses, dusty game trails meandering across the sun-baked fields, rocky outcroppings spotted here and there providing a great vantage over the surrounding area. It was a really cool walk, despite the lack of ‘action’.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, camp, makoro,


The rest of our time in the delta went much the same- we went on a couple more walks, never encountering anything too exciting. We did come across a lone bull elephant on one of our twilight makoro cruises. He turned and studied us, gave a great bellow, and then rumbled away, disappearing into the underbrush. We found a swimming hole the second afternoon, and each had a go at poling the makoros around. It quickly became obvious that one had to have grown up in the delta to be able to navigate it in the traditional boats, and we all had a laugh as we toppled over the side and into the water.  We saw some AMAZING sunsets over the delta, enjoying the peace and tranquility of being in the middle of the Botswana wilderness with nothing around to spoil it. At night, were were serenaded by the trumpeting of elephants and the calls of night hawks while sitting around the fire, roasting marshmallows and gazing up at the stars. Sure, we were ‘roughing it’, but to be honest, it was so peaceful that we hardly noticed that we hadn’t showered in 3 days, or that we had to cover the ‘toilet’ with fresh dirt after each use. Despite the lack of wildlife-related ‘excitement’ on our trip into the delta, when the time came to pack up the tents and load the makoros for the trip back to civilization, I wished we had more time to enjoy it.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, camp, makoro,

If you’d like to learn more about how to travel through Botswana, click here.

For more on the Backpack Professor’s adventures in Botswana, click here.

travel, backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, expert, professor, field, notes,

backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, flight, fly, plane,


After spending three days in the natural wonder that is Botswana’s Okavango Delta, we had the chance to take a scenic flight over the delta for a unique view of the landscape impossible to imagine from ground level. We were all excited about getting a ‘bird’s eye view’ of things to help us get some perspective on how big the area actually is. We headed out to the local airstrip, and after switching planes due to some sort of mechanical failure (Always reassuring…), we were speeding down the runway and climbing skyward, all 7 of us packed into the tiny propeller plane.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, flight, fly, plane,


Our pilot had introduced himself with a heavy Namibian accent, and had given us a brief run-through on the path he was going to take while flying over the delta. It was only supposed to be a 30 minute flight, so we would still only get to see a small portion of the delta, but he said we would be flying over the island where we had camped the previous 2 nights, and that we should be able to see the loading area where we had originally set out into the delta in the makoro canoes.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, flight, fly, plane,


Once in the air, we were flying over the dry and dusty farmland that sits around the borders of the delta, irrigation ditches easily made out from our low altitude. Before long, we were over the delta itself, and it became instantly clear as to why we hadn’t had much luck as far as wildlife viewing was concerned- it was HUGE. It spread out before us as far as the eye could see- large and small islands surrounded by a seemingly unending marshland, large lakes and smaller ponds spotted here and there throughout.  It reminded me of what it must be like to look at the earth from space- all that blue water, with a few masses of green, brown, and yellow dispersed throughout. Wide rivers made their way through the delta, with smaller streams and waterways splitting off like little capillaries, spreading the flood waters throughout. We could pick out game trails meandering through the grasslands and the shallow waterways- herds of elephant or buffalo having trampled the ground and grasses as they moved through the delta. It was incredible- an amazing perspective on this lush oasis in the middle of the Kalahari Desert.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, flight, fly, plane,


As we flew along, our pilot suddenly pointed out the window towards the ground, shouting back into the cabin, trying to be heard over the drone of the engine. “BUFFALO!” he shouted, and we all strained our necks to the windows, trying to pick out what he was pointing at. We couldn’t have been more than 3 or 4 thousand feet off the ground, and looking out the window, were able to make out the black dots set against the green background- a HUGE herd of water buffalo, grazing and resting in a meadow beside a large lake. There must have been hundreds of them… A few seconds later- “ELEPHANT!”, as the pilot banked the plane to circle around a family of 20-30 elephants making their way across one of the innumerable islands. Again, incredible. We slowly realized that all these black spots clustered together on the ground were actually animals, and they were EVERYWHERE. On one hand, it made me wonder at how we DIDN’T come across more wildlife while on our walks in the delta, but also made me realize just how expansive the area was, and, as it always is with wildlife, it was just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, flight, fly, plane,


As we continued our flight, we saw many more buffalo and elephants- the easiest to pick out due to their individual size as well as the fact that they tend to travel in herds. We also saw a few giraffe, and some smaller antelope as well. I continued to marvel at the amount of water- unbelievable for being in the middle of a desert… Eventually, we made the turn home and headed back to the airport, cameras full of images taken during the flight. It was an incredible experience, and provided a great perspective on the wonder that is the Okavango Delta.


backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, field, note, professor, Africa, Botswana, Okavango, Delta, water, river, oasis, Kalahari, Desert, wildlife, safari, scenic, flight, fly, plane,

If you’d like to learn more about how to travel through Botswana, click here.

For more on the Backpack Prof’s travels through Botswana, click here.

travel, backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, expert, professor, field, notes,