April 24, 2013 — 5 Comments

travel, backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, expert, professor, field, notes,


So, by now, hopefully you’ve seen the shenanigans that were my submissions for the Best Jobs in the World- if not, check them out here.

Well, apparently the panel loved Yoda, because they put me on the shortlist for the Wildlife Caretaker position!

Yes, you read that right- out of over 600,000 applications submitted, mine was one of only 150 selected for the shortlists- 25 applicants for each of the 6 jobs available.

Wait a second… Let’s read that again- together.


I still can’t believe it…

Excited, elated, exhausted- I hardly slept at all last night… I don’t even know how to describe how I feel. Just honored and really happy to have the opportunity to pursue this- it’s gonna be awesome…

There are 24 other applicants that have been named to the shortlist for Wildlife Caretaker- you can view all of the videos here.

We’re still getting the details on the next steps of the selection process- I’ll definitely be passing those along as I learn more.


In the meantime, I’ll be scheming with Yoda and assembling the rest of the Wildlife Braintrust to discuss how to tackle the next stages- getting on the shortlist is a HUGE step, but there’s still a lot of work to be done before I’m back DownUnder…


I guess I had better start brushing up on my SEAL…


travel, backpack, backpacking, budget, adventure, explore, U, university, world, campus, expert, professor, field, notes,

Gettin’ some FaceTime in with the seal pups…


The Backpack Prof

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5 responses to SHORTLISTED!!!!!

  1. Nick this is brilliant, fingers crossed for you!

  2. Wonderful! We’re pulling for you!!
    Bud and Carol

  3. That’s GREAT news!! We’ll keep our fingers crossed that you get the job!

  4. Nobody better for this job than you NT!

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